The Project

The ExULI project promotes an integrated approach that combines the non-formal education practices typical of youth work with the contribution of Lacanian psychotherapeutic practice. Both approaches support the capacity for resilience, i.e. the capacity to effectively face the challenges of the exile condition of young migrants, to give new impetus to their existence and even to reach important goals. The ExULI project method, which aims to develop, test and share with those working with young migrants who have applied for asylum in Europe, young refugees and second generations, is intended to be a tool to be used in the prevention of radicalism.

The specific objectives of the ExULI project will be:

  • collect and systematise the knowledge and professional experience of non-formal education and Lacanian psychoanalysis in the field of work with young migrants in a methodological guide that accompanies the preparation of the contents of expressive workshops
  • improve the skills of youth workers, educators, teachers, mediators and psychoanalysts working with young migrants through training
  • allow young migrants to name/recognise the trauma suffered through workshop paths using low-threshold communication techniques
  • to make original tools available for the prevention of radicalism both in contemporary and in the second generations of migrants
  • to foster the synergic exchange between actors (professionals and volunteers) coming from different sectors of intervention, in order to favour innovation and the search for synergic tools suitable for the new challenges on inclusion and integration that European society is called to face.

Partners :


Other information

Start: November 2017

Duration : 24 Months


Funding : Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for youth
